Wittmund, St. Nicolai

16..: New instrument by an unknown organbuilder.

1663: Enlargement with a free pedal by Johannes Pauly.

1684: New organ by Schnitger, using some pipe work from the previous instrument.

Drawing by Arp Schnitger, dating from 1684.

1775: New organ by Hinrich Just Müller, in turn using some older pipe work.

Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Nicolai_%28Wittmund%29

1879-1880: Repairs by G.S. Janssen.

1882: Repairs by J.M. Schmid.

1902: Enlargement with a new pneumatic pedal by J.M.Schmid.

1936: Rebuild by Führer using the case and old ranks.

1981-1984: Restoration by Alfred Führer. Brustwerk Gedackt 8' and windchest are Arp Schnitger's. Hauptwerk case and windchest are Müller's.

2006: Restoration by Bartelt Immer
Specification after the last restoration
I Hauptwerk C–e3
1. Principal 8′
2. Bordun 16′
3. Viola di Gamba 8′
4. Rohrflöte 8′
5. Oktave 4′
6. Spitzflöte 4′
7. Oktave 2′
8. Sesquialtera II
9. Mixtur III 1′
10. Vox humana 8′
11. Dulcian B/D 16′
12. Trompete B/D 8′
Cimbelsterne M
II Brustwerk C–e3
13. Gedackt 8′ S
14. Flöte 4′
15. Nasard 3′
16. Gemshorn 2′
17. Scharff III 1/2
18. Oboe 8′
19. Schalmey 4′
Pedal C–f1
20. Subbass 16'
21. Oktave 8'
22. Oktave 4'
23. Mixtur IV 2'
24. Posaune 16'
25. Trompete 8'

Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Nicolai_%28Wittmund%29