Verden-Aller, Dom
1487: New organ by Andreas Smedeker
1582-1583: Enlargement with a Rückpositif, possibly by Andreas de Mare.
1641: Repairs by Adolph Compenius
1660: Repairs by Hermann Kröger
1696: Modification by Arp Schnitger, new windchests, new ranks.
1731: Repairs by Christian Heinrich Solter.
1764-1766: Repairs by Johann Andreas Zuberbier
1830-1832: The organ was moved to the west of the church by Peter Tappe. The Rückpositif was replaced with a Hinterwerk.
1850: New organ by Friedrich Schulze. (Photo)
1916: New organ by Philip Furtwängler in the existing Friedrich Schulze case.
Specification after the modification by Schnitger:
Manual |
Rückpositif |
Pedal |
Quintadena |
16' |
Preastant |
8' |
Preastant |
16' |
Praestant |
8' |
Quintadena |
8' |
Octav * |
4' |
Gedact |
8' |
Octav |
4' |
Mixtur * |
Octav |
4' |
Rohrfloit |
4' |
Posaunen |
16' |
Rohrfloit |
4' |
Sifflit |
1' |
Trommet |
8' |
Quinta |
2 2/3' |
Scharf |
Cornet |
2' |
Mixtur |
Cimbel |
Cimbel |
Sesquialter |
Trommet |
8' |
Krumphorn |
8' |
Schalmey |
4' |
* It is not sure if Schnitger added these stops in 1696
The organ of Philip Furtwängler. of 1916 (