Uithuizen, Hervormde Kerk
Source: Henrik West
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1701: New organ by Arp Schnitger.
1785: A.A. Hinsz enlarged the manuals to 49 notes, but the windchest was not enlarged. Perhaps there were some changes to the tuning.
1830: Repairs to the pedal by N.A. Lohman and possibly changes toward an equal tuning.
1856: Restoration by Petrus van Oeckelen. New windchest for the Hoofdwerk. Changes to the specification: Hoofdwerk: Octaaf 2' -->Bourdon 16', Sifflet 11/3'-->Fluit 2', new Trumpet. Rugpositief: Quintadeen 8' -->Viola da Gamba 8',
Scherp --> Carillon, Quint 1 1/3' --> Flageolet 1'. Pedaal: Bourdon 16' --> Subbas 16', Mixtuur --> Bourdon 8'. New frontpipes, new pitch.
Right photo: Click to enlarge
1987: Restoration of the Rugwerk by Bernhardt Edskes. New frontpipes. Repairs to windchest, action and manuals.
Specification after the restoration of 1987: Schnitger (S), van Oeckelen (O), Edskes (E)
Hoofdwerk |
Rugwerk |
Pedaal |
Bourdon |
16' (O) |
Holpijp |
8' (S) |
Subbas |
16' (O) |
Praestant |
8' (O) |
Quintadeen |
8' (E,S) |
Octaaf |
8' (S) |
Holpijp |
8' (S) |
Praestant |
4' (E,S) |
Bourdon |
8' (O) |
Octaav |
4' (S) |
Holpijp |
4' (S) |
Octaaf |
4' (S) |
Spitsfluit |
4' (S) |
Octaaf |
2' (E,S) |
Nachthoorn |
2' (S) |
Quint |
2 2/3' (S) |
Woudfluit |
2' (S) |
Bazuin |
16' (S) |
Fluit |
2' (O) |
Quint |
1 1/3' (S) |
Trompet |
8' (S) |
Mixtuur |
IV (S) |
Sesquialtera |
II (S) |
Cornet |
2' (S) |
Trompet |
8' (O) |
Scherp |
IV (E) |
Vox Humana |
8' (S) |
Dulciaan |
8' (S) |
Restoration of the rest of the organ by Bernhardt Edskes.
The "Stichting Arp Schnitgerorgel Uithuizen" was raising funds for the restoration.
Specification after the last restoration:
Manuael (I): |
Rughposityf: |
Pedael: |
Praestant |
8' (E) |
Holpyp |
8' (S) |
Bourdon |
16' (S/E) |
Holpyp |
8' (S) |
Quintadena |
8' (E,S) |
Octaav |
8' (S) |
Octaav |
4' (S) |
Praestant |
4' (E,S) |
Octaav |
4' (S) |
Spitsfluyt |
4' (S) |
Holpyp |
4' (S) |
Nachthoorn |
2' (S) |
Quint |
3' (S) |
Octaav |
2' (E,S) |
Mixtuer |
IV (E) |
Superoctaav |
2' (S/E) |
Woudfluyt |
2' (S) |
Basuyn |
16' (S) |
Siflet |
11/2' (S/E) |
Quint |
1 1/2' (S) |
Trompet |
8' (S) |
Mixtuer |
IV - V(S) |
Sesquialter |
II (S) |
Cornet |
2' (S) |
Trompet |
8' (E) |
Scherp |
IV (E) |
Vox Humana |
8' (S) |
Dulciaan |
8' (S) |
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