Steinkirchen, St. Martini et Nicolai


Photos Geert Jan Pottjewijd

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1581: Dirck Hoyer builds an organ using older material: 2 stops from about 1515 and extends the instrument with a Brustwerk with 5 stops and a Pedal with one stop (01)

1687: Organ by Arp Schnitger. Schnitger uses 6 ranks from the former Dirck Hoyer organ of 1581.

1691: The organ is painted.

1704: Repairs by Schnitger.

1763: Repairs by Johann Matthias Schreiber.

1769: Repairs by Dietrich Christoph Gloger.

1773: The organ is surrounded with imitation draperies.

1775: Repairs by Georg Wilhelm Wilhelmy.

1843: Philip Furtwängler repairs the organ. It is not known what this involves.

18xx: Several repairs and changes by Johann Hinrich & Heinrich Röver.

1893: The wedge-shaped bellows by Schnitger are replaced with a reservoir-bellows. The Holzgedackt 8' of the Brustwerk was replaced by a Metallgedackt 8'.

1948: Restoration by Von Beckerath.

1987: Restoration by Von Beckerath.

Specification: 16. Century (*), 18. Century (+), Schnitger (S), Wilhelmy (W), von Beckerath (B)
Hauptwerk   Brustwerk   Pedal  
Quintadena 16' (*,S) Gedact 8' (S,B) Principal 16' (S)
Principal 8' (S) Rohr Flöth 4' (S) Octav 8' (W)
Rohr Flöt 8' (*,S) Quinte 2 2/3' (+) Octav 4' (S)
Octav 4' (*) Spitz Flöth 2' (S) Nachthorn 2' (B)
Nassat 2 2/3' (*,S) Octav 2' (S) Rauschpfeiffe II (S,B)
Gemshorn 2' (S) Tertzian II(S) Mixtur IV-V (S,B)
Octav 2' (S) Scharff II-V (S) Posaun 16' (S)
Sexquialtera II (S) Krumphorn 8' (*,S) Trompet 8' (S)
Mixtur V-VI (S,B)     Cornet 2' (S,B)
Cimbel III (B)        
Trompet 8' (S)        

Restoration by Rowan West (Altenahr)
Reconstruction of the Mixtur ad alteration of the Cimbel from von Beckerath. The historic Mixtur pipes form the first half of the 17. century are stored in the organ, while they did not match with the other newer ranks. The mechanics of the organ were improved and the temperament was changed to Werckmeister III. This temperament could be derived from soldered stopped pipes. This temperament if possible from Wilhelmi (1775). The investigations of Rowan West of the pipe lead to some new insights about the origin of the pipework: Rohrflöte 8′ and Nassat 3 which were attributed to Hoyer (1581) but are probably from the first quarter of the 16. century. The Quinte 3′ was attributed to a Schnitgerpupil, but is from the latest period of Schnitger-Werkstatt (Pipe marking of Schnitger). This rank is on the slider of the more common NassatQuint 11/3The Krumphorn 8′ is also from Schnitger, the shallots ar from Hoyer. (02)Specification after the restoration by Rowan West: (02)
I Hauptwerk CDEFGA–c3
Principal 8′ S
Quintadena 16′ H/S[1]
Rohr Flöt 8′ A/S[2]
Octav 4′ A
Nassat 3′ A/S[3]
Octav 2′ A
Gemshorn 2′ S[4]
Sexquialtera II S
Mixtur IV–VI R[5]
Cimbel III B/R
Trompet 8′ S
II Brustwerk CDEFGA–c3
Gedact 8′ S/B[6]
Rohr-Flöth 4′ S
Quinta 3′ S[7]
Octav 2′ S
Spitz-Flöth 2′ S
Tertian II S/B[8]
Scharff III–V S
Krumphorn 8′ H/S[9]
Pedal CDE–d1
Principal 16′ S
Octav 8′ W[10]
Octav 4′ S
Nachthorn 2′ B
Rausch-Pfeiffe II S/B
Mixtur IV-V S/B
Posaun 16′ S
Trompet 8′ S
Cornett 2′ S/B
A = 16. century (Late Gothic)
H = Dirck Hoyer (1581)
S = Arp Schnitger (1685–87)
W = Georg Wilhelm Wilhelmi (1775)
B = Rudolf von Beckerath (1987 und 1991)
R = Rowan West (2012)
  • Coupler: Shift coupler (Schnitger)
  • Tremulant (Schnitger)
  • Cimbelstern (Wilhelmi)
  1. C–e Schnitger, from f Hoyer.
  2. F–g2a2 late gothic, Rest Schnitger.
  3. C–g late gothic, from gis Schnitger, before Schnitger a 4′ rank
  4. Cylindric.
  5. Reconstruction, old pipes from the 17. century stored in the organ.
  6. Oak, C-G Schnitger.
  7. Conic, from Schnitger. The slider was probably meant for a NassatQuint 11/3′.
  8. 11 pipes reconstructed.
  9. Shallots from F von Hoyer, rest von Schnitger.
  10. From older pipes (02)

  1. Information from a leaflet of the organ
  2. Information from

Photos by Geert Jan Pottjewijd


Photo by Cor Roeleveld

Windchest of the pedal with Posaun 16' and Trompete 8'