Norden, St. Ludgeri
Leaflet about the organ by the former organist Reinhardt Ruge from 1989 (01), (02), (03), (04)
Second leaflet about the organ by the former organist Reinhardt Ruge from 1989 (01), (02)
organ drawings by Arp Schnitger

Photo: Geert Jan Pottjewijd
1686-1688: Construction of a new organ by Arp Schnitger, using pipework of the previous organs by Andreas de Mare (1566/1567) and Edo Evers
(1616-1618). Case and tracker action mechanism were completely new.
1691-1692: Schnitger added a fourth work (Oberwerk) to the organ. This work was playable from the third manual of the Brustwerk.
1838: Tuning of the organ in equal temperature.
19th century: Many alterations to the organ. Ranks were replaced, the sound characteristics of the organ changed into what was deemednecessary in those days.
The mechanism, however, was not changed.
1917: Removal of the front pipes for the first World War. At this time only half of the ranks were still present.
1929/1930: First restoration (Orgelbewegung) by Furtwängler & Hammer.
Christhard Mahrenholz was the adviser. The last two reed-stops were replaced.
For the first time other Schnitger-organs were investigated into, to make copies of the ranks that had been removed. The mechanism was exchanged for an electro-pneumatic installation.
1943-1945: Removal of the organ to the monastery of Möllenbeck to save the organ from possible bomb attacks due to the war.
1948: Rebuilding by Paul Ott.
1957-1959: Restoration by Paul Ott. New tracker action mechanism.
1981-1985: Restoration by Jürgen Ahrend to its original (Schnitger) situation

Photo: Geert Jan Pottjewijd
Rückpositif |
Werck |
Brustpositif |
Oberpositif |
Pedal |
Principal |
8' |
Quintadena |
16' |
Gedact |
8' |
Hollfloit |
8' |
Principal |
16' |
Gedact |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Blockfloit |
4' |
Octav |
4' |
Octav |
8' |
Octav |
4' |
Rohrfloit |
8' |
Principal |
2' |
Flachfloit |
2' |
Octav |
4' |
Rohrfloit |
4' |
Octav |
4' |
Quinta |
1 1/3' |
Rauschpfeiff |
II |
Rauschpfeiff |
II |
Octav |
2' |
Spitzfloit |
4' |
Scharff |
IV |
Scharff |
Mixtur |
Waldfloit |
2' |
Quinta |
2 2/3' |
Regal |
8' |
Trommet |
8' |
Posaune |
16' |
Ziffloit |
1' |
Nasat |
2 2/3' |
Vox Humana |
8' |
Trommet |
8' |
Sexquialt |
II |
Octav |
2' |
Schalmey |
4' |
Trommet |
4' |
Tertian |
II' |
Gemshorn |
2' |
Cornet |
2' |
Scharff |
VI |
Mixtur |
VI |
Dulcian |
8' |
Cimbel |
Trommet |
16' |

Photo: Geert Jan Pottjewijd

Photo: Geert Jan Pottjewijd

Photo: Ineke Pottjewijd-Remmers

Photo: Ineke Pottjewijd-Remmers (Vogelgeschwitscher)

Photo: Ineke Pottjewijd-Remmers (Mechanics of the Oberwerk)

Photo: Geert Jan Pottjewijd

Photo: Geert Jan Pottjewijd