Mittelnkirchen, St. Bartholomäus

Photos from Geert Jan Pottjewijd

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15xx: New organ by an unknown organbuilder.

1688: Arp Schnitger enlarges the organ with an 8-stop Brustwerk and adds Trommet 16' and 8' to the Hauptwerk.

1750: Jacob Albrecht moves the organ to the west part of the church, adds a free Pedal, a new case, new windchests, but does not complete the undertaking.

1750-1753: Johann Matthias Schreiber completes the organ.

1772-1844: Repairs and changes by Wilhelmy and Furtwängler & Hammer.

1935-1936: Restoration by Furtwängler &Hammer.

1956-1957: Restoration by Paul Ott on a windpressure proved to be too low.

1993: Restoration by von Beckerath.This restoration was not fully completed.

2011: Bartelt Immer from Norden will complete the restoration from 1993. The restored organ will go into operation at 10.6.2011

Specification: 16./17. century (*), Schnitger (S), Schreiber/Albrecht (A), von Beckerath (B)

Hauptwerk   Brustwerk   Pedal  
Quintadena 16' (A) Gedackt 8' (S,B) Principal 16' (A)
Principal 8' (A) Principal 4' (A) Subbass 16' (B)
Rohrflöte 8' (*) Blockfloite 4' (S,B) Octav 8' (*)
Octave 4' (*) Octav 2' (S) Octav 4' (*)
Gedact 4' (*,A) Gemshorn 2' (B) Quint 2 2/3' (B)
Nahsat 2 2/3' (*) Quinta 1 1/2' (S) Nachthorn 2' (B)
Octav 2' (*) Sesquialtera II (S) Mixtur IV (B)
Waldflöte 2' (A,B) Scharff III (S) Posaun 16' (A,B)
Mixtur IV (B) Crombhorn 8'(vac) Tromet 8' (B)
Cimbel III (B)     Cornet 2' (vac)
Tromet 16' (S,B)        
Tromet 8' (S,B)        
Vox Humana 8'(A,B)