Mittelnkirchen, St. Bartholomäus
Photos from Geert Jan Pottjewijd
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15xx: New organ by an unknown organbuilder.
1688: Arp Schnitger enlarges the organ with an 8-stop Brustwerk and adds Trommet 16' and 8' to the Hauptwerk.
1750: Jacob Albrecht moves the organ to the west part of the church, adds a free Pedal, a new case, new windchests, but does not complete the undertaking.
1750-1753: Johann Matthias Schreiber completes the organ.
1772-1844: Repairs and changes by Wilhelmy and Furtwängler & Hammer.
1935-1936: Restoration by Furtwängler &Hammer.
1956-1957: Restoration by Paul Ott on a windpressure proved to be too low.
1993: Restoration by von Beckerath.This restoration was not fully completed.2011: Bartelt Immer from Norden will complete the restoration from 1993. The restored organ will go into operation at 10.6.2011
Specification: 16./17. century (*), Schnitger (S), Schreiber/Albrecht (A), von Beckerath (B)Hauptwerk | Brustwerk | Pedal | |||
Quintadena | 16' (A) | Gedackt | 8' (S,B) | Principal | 16' (A) |
Principal | 8' (A) | Principal | 4' (A) | Subbass | 16' (B) |
Rohrflöte | 8' (*) | Blockfloite | 4' (S,B) | Octav | 8' (*) |
Octave | 4' (*) | Octav | 2' (S) | Octav | 4' (*) |
Gedact | 4' (*,A) | Gemshorn | 2' (B) | Quint | 2 2/3' (B) |
Nahsat | 2 2/3' (*) | Quinta | 1 1/2' (S) | Nachthorn | 2' (B) |
Octav | 2' (*) | Sesquialtera | II (S) | Mixtur | IV (B) |
Waldflöte | 2' (A,B) | Scharff | III (S) | Posaun | 16' (A,B) |
Mixtur | IV (B) | Crombhorn | 8'(vac) | Tromet | 8' (B) |
Cimbel | III (B) | Cornet | 2' (vac) | ||
Tromet | 16' (S,B) | ||||
Tromet | 8' (S,B) | ||||
Vox Humana | 8'(A,B) |