Lübeck, Dom

A copy of the front of this instrument is in Göteborg Örgryte nya kyrka.

1696-1699: New organ by Arp Schnitger.

1796-1797: Repairs by Johann Christoph Kaltschmidt.

1817: Repairs by Johann Christoph Kaltschmidt.

Specification in 1822: 
Hauptwerk   Rückpositif   Brustwerk   Pedal  
Principal 16' Principal 8' Principal 8' Principal 16'
Quintadena 16' Quintadena 8' Octave 4' Subbas 16'
Octave 8' Gedackt 8' Octave 2' Octave 8'
Spitzflöte 8' Octave 4'  Gemshorn 2'  Gedackt 8'
Octave 4' Blockflöte 4' Quinte 1 1/3' Octave 4'
Rohrflöte 4' Kleinflöte 1' Sesquialtera II Nachthorn 2'
Nasat 2 2/3' Sesquialtera II Scharff VI-VIII Rauschpfeiffe II
Octave 2' Scharff VI-VIII Dulzian 16' Mixtur VI-VIII
Rauschpfeiffe II Dulzian 16' Trichterregal 8' Posaune 32'
Mixtur VI-VIII Trichterregal 8'     Posaune 16'
Cimbel III         Dulzian 16'
Trompet 16'         Trompete 8'
Tompete 8'          Trompete 4'
            Cornet 2'

1833: Repairs by Theodor Vogt

1892-1893: New organ by E.F.Walcker in the old case. Some pipes may have been saved in an old residence-organ (German text) at Peter Golon's.

slub01.jpg (44933 bytes)

1942: The organ was destroyed by bombings in World War II. Photos after the bombing:

1951-60: First restoration of transept and towers

1966-70: Re-arrangement of the transept by the architects Sandtmann and Grundmann. Installation of the Marcussen-Organ (IV/47)

1982: Final restorations of the Dom

slub01f.jpg (41325 bytes)Original console of the organ at the St. Annen-museum in Lübeck


Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org
Click at the photo to enlarge


Photo's taken after the bombing of the Dom in 1942

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Photo's taken after the bombing of the Dom in 1942

Photo's taken after the bombing of the Dom in 1942

The new Marcussen-Organ  
The new Marcussen organ  

Paul Burmeister (1847–1923): Arp-Schnitger-Orgel im Dom zu Lübeck, Öl auf Leinwand Source: http://www.auktionshaus-wendl.de  (Incorrect name at this website "The organ of Stralsund (St. Marien)“)

2014: At 30.03.2014 the Project "Faszination Schnitger-Orgel" has been started to make a reconstruction of the Arp Schnitger organ.
More designs at https://www.competitionline.com/de/ergebnisse/118500

Source: http://www.riemann-luebeck.de