Photo: Dale C. Carr
1678-1679: Arp Schnitger repaired and enlarged the existing organ with a free pedal.
1709: New case by Arp Schnitger.
1764: Repairs by Marcus Hinrich Petersen.
1789: Repairs by Wilhelmy.
1807: Repairs by Wilhelmy.
1834-1835: Repairs by Wilhelmy.
Probable specification in 1849:
Hauptwerk |
Rückpositif |
Brustpositif |
Pedal |
Principal |
8' |
Quintadena |
8' |
Gedackt |
8' |
Principal |
16' |
Gedact |
8' |
Principal |
4' |
Blockflöte |
4' |
Oktave |
8' |
Octave |
4' |
Rohrflöte |
4' |
Sifflöte |
2' |
Octave |
4' |
Spitzflöte |
4' |
Octave |
2' |
Quint |
1 1/3' |
Nachthorn |
2' |
Nasat |
2 2/3' |
Quinte |
1 1/3' |
Zimbel |
Rauschpfeife |
II |
Superoctave |
2' |
Octave |
1' |
Regal |
8' |
Mixtur |
IV |
Waldflöte |
2' |
Sesquialtera |
II |
Posaune |
16' |
Mixtur |
Scharff |
IV |
Trompete |
8' |
Trompete |
8' |
Dulcian |
8' |
Trompete |
4' |
Vox Humana |
8' |
Cornett |
2' |
1914: New organ in the old case by Faber & Greve.
1980-1982: New organ by Alfred Führer in the existing case .
The original frontpipes by Schnitger were re-used.
2005: The original shutters of the Brustwerk were
found in a closed stairway of the church. More details in a German article from
"Journal für die Orgel" 2005/03.
Photo from Click at the photo to get the full size