Lenzen (Elbe) St. Katharina
Source: Article of Günter Seggermann in Ars Organi juny 1987
Orginal text: page 1, page 2,
page 3, page 4,page 5
Article (In German) out of "Abendblatt" 2. june 2001
More photos and information (in German) at http://www.nomine.net/lenzen-st-katharinen
1706-1708: Arp Schnitger made a proposal on 7. april 1706 for St. Georg
zu Hamburg
The organ was build for 550 Reichthaler in 1707/1708. The organ was inspected on 20. and 21. march 1708 by Vincent Lübeck. A report from him dates from 23. March 1708.
Schnitger reused 10 ranks pipework from Scherer.
Original specification:
Manual |
Unterwerck |
Pedal |
Principal |
new |
8' |
Principal |
new |
4' |
Untersatz |
old |
16' |
Holtzfloit |
old |
8' |
Gedact |
old |
8' |
Gedact |
old |
8' |
Octav |
old |
4' |
Quintadena |
old |
8' |
Octav |
new |
4' |
Floit |
new |
4' |
Sexquialt |
new |
II |
Mixtur |
new |
IV |
Nassat |
old |
3' |
Waldfloit* |
new |
2' |
Dulcian |
new |
16' |
Super Octav |
new |
2' |
Siefflit |
old |
1 1/2' |
Tromet |
new |
8' |
Floit |
old |
2' |
Sexquialt |
new |
II |
Cornet |
new |
2' |
Mixtur |
new |
Scharf |
new |
IV |
Cimbel |
new |
Dulcian |
new |
8' |
Tromet |
new |
8' |
Crumphorn* |
new |
8' |
* added by Schnitger on his own costs.
1744-1747: Johann Dietrich Busch (pupil of Schnitger) builds a new organ with 3 manuals and pedal. The Schnitger organ is sold to Lenzen (Elbe) St. Katharina
church. Busch installed the organ in the church almost unaltered he only added a manual-coupler.
1759: The organ is badly
damaged by
the collapse of the tower of the church. New organ by Gottfried Scholtze. He used parts of the case and the pipework of Schnitger. The organ of
Scholtze is still present in the church and contains material of Schnitger.
1883: Changes by Voigt from Stendal
1917: Lost of the frontpipes
1929: Changes by Schuke
Specifications before restoration
I. Manual |
II. Manual |
Pedal |
Bordun 16' |
Holzflöte 8' |
Subbaß 16' |
Principal 8' |
Gedackt 4' |
Posaune 16' |
Gedackt 8' |
Principal 4' |
Octave 8' |
Trompete 8' |
Gedackt 3' |
Gedackt 8' |
Octave 4' |
Nassad 2' |
Trompete 8' |
Gedacktflöte 4' |
Octave 1 1/3' |
Octave 4' |
Octave 2' |
Quinte |
Scharf 4f. |
Vacant |
Cornet 3f. |
Zimbel 3f. |
Vacant 8' |
Vacant |
Vacant |
Sperrventil Manual
Sperrventil Pedal
2002: On 10.6.2002 I got via Ibo
Ortgies by E-mail the following information from Matthias Schuke from Alexander
Schuke Potsdam Orgelbau GmbH. (The information is in German)
Diese Orgel ist bei uns seit 1929 bekannt.
Diese Orgel stammt aus Hamburg und auch von Schnitger unter Verwendung älteren
Pfeifenwerkes von Scherer. Im 18. Jh. ist das Instrument von Gottlieb Scholtze,
einem Wagner-Schüler instandgesetzt und mit 6 neuen Registern versehen. Die
Orgel hat 30 Register, ...
Im Jahre 1967 ist die Orgel von uns besichtigt und aufgenommen worden, sodaß
wir den gesamten Pfeifenbestand hier schriftlich vorliegen haben. Eigentlich muß
man von einer Scholtze - Orgel sprechen, in der Pfeifenwerk von Scherer und
Schnitger verwendet wurde.
2005-2007: Restoration by Hüfken aus Halberstadt Reconstruction of the
disappeared ranks after historical examples.
More information at:
With a photo-presentation of the restoration.
https://prlbr.de/2015/lenzen/stadt-elbhafen/ Click at the photo to enlarge
For more information take a look at the leaflet "Die
historische Scholtze-orgel in der St.-Katharinen-Kirche Lenzen". (2007)
Specification after restoration :
Hauptwerk |
Bordun |
16' |
Scherer |
Principal |
8' |
Rohrflöte |
8' |
Scherer |
Octave |
4' |
Scholtze |
Quinte |
3' |
Schnitger |
Octave |
2' |
Scholtze |
Sifflöte |
1' |
ursprünglich Scherer |
Cornett |
3 f |
Scholtze |
Scharff |
4 f |
Scherer |
Cymbel |
3 f |
Trompete |
8' |
Trimulant |
Oberwerk |
Quintadena |
8' |
Gedact |
8' |
Scherer |
Principal |
4' |
Scholtze |
Rohrflöte |
4' |
Schnitger |
Nassad |
3' |
Schnitger |
Octave |
2' |
Scholtze |
Quinte |
1 1/2' |
Scholtze |
Flagiolet |
1' |
Vox humana |
8' |
Schwebung |
Pedal |
Subbaß |
16' |
Scholtze |
Octave |
8' |
Scholtze |
Octave |
Scherer |
Mixtur |
4 f |
Posaune |
16' |
Trompete |
8' |
Cuppel II/I rechts
Cuppel II/I linkes
Sperventiel Manuel
Sperventiel Oberwerck
Sperventiel Pedal
Photo: Sietze de
Foto: Herbert Müller
Siegen (Germany) 1990
Photo during restoration from
http://commons.wikimedia.org Click at the photo to get the full size
Photo: Sietze de
Photo: Sietze de Vries