
Photo from Dale C. Carr. Click on the photo to enlarge

: Construction of the organ by Arp Schnitger. His son Hans was drowned in the Elbe during the building of the organ.

1885: Modernisation by Christian Heinrich Wolfsteller.

1917: The frontpipes where not removed.

1911: Modernisation by Paul Rother.

1966: Restoration by Rudolf von Beckerath using the Schnitger pipework. The original specification was not restored.

Source: Click at the photo to extend.

Specification: Schnitger (S), von Beckerath (B)

Hauptwerk   Brustwerk   Pedal  
Prinzipal 8' (S) Quintadena 8' (17xx) Prinzipal 16' (S)
Rohrflöte 8' (S) Gedackt 8'(S) Oktave 8' (B)
Oktave 4' (B) Prinzipal 4' (B) Octave 4' (B)
Spitzflöte 4'(B) Blockflöte 4' (S) Nachthorn 2' (B)
Nasat 2 2/3' (B) Waldflöte 2' (B) Mixtur IV (B)
Oktave 2' (B) Sifflöte 1' (B) Posaune 16' (S,B)
Mixtur IV-VI (B) Sesquialtera II (B) Trompete 8' (B)
Trompete 8' (B) Scharf IV (B)    
    Dulzian 8' (B)    
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Photo from

Below some detail photos by Dale C. Carr