Eutin, Schlosskapelle


Source: Click at the photo to enlarge.

1693: New organ by Arp Schnitger.

1733: Repairs by Reinerus Caspary.

1765: Repairs by Christoph Erdman Vogel.

1820: Repairs by Leonhard Miek.

1862: New organ in the old case by Johann Friedrich Schulze. The old front pipes probably survived

1917: Requisition of the front pipes for World War I.

Photo from Rob Kruijt

1984: Church was closed for restoration.

2009: The organ of Johann Friedrich Schulze form 1862 has been restored by Rowan West. By this restoration was discovered that the titles of the stops from Schnitger were still preserved behind old colors. At this moment there is no money for further investigation an a probable restoration of the stoptitles.


Writer Book/Magazine-title Description
Reinhard Jähn Ars organi 1986/02 In Windschatten der Zeit: Die Schnitger Orgel der Schlosskapelle in Eutin

seutin1.jpg (46481 bytes)
Photo from Rob Kruijt

