Elmshorn, St. Nikolai
1684: New organ by Joachim Richborn, who died while building the instrument.
1684?: Completion by Arp Schnitger.
Specification from
Werk |
Rückpositiv |
Pedal |
Principal 8' |
Principal 4' |
Untersatz 16' |
Gedact 8' |
Quintadena 8' |
Gedact 8' |
Octava 4' |
Spitzflöthe 2' |
Octava [4'?] 2' |
Spitzflöthe 4' |
Sesquialtera 2f. |
Posaune 16' |
Nasat Quinta 3' |
Scharff 4---5 f. |
Trommete 8' |
Octava 2' |
Dulcian 16' |
Cornet 2' |
Rauschpfeife 2f. |
Krumhorn 8' |
Mixtur 5f. |
Trommete 8' |
Trichterregal 8' |
Tremulant, Cymbelstern, Coppel zum Manual und Coppel zum Pedal.
1764: Repairs by Johann Daniel Busch.
1852-1853: Changes by Marcussen.
1912-1913: Changes by E. Kemper.
1935: Changes by Karl Schwenger.
1948: Changes by Ernst Brandt.
1961: Changes by Franz Grollmann.
1971: New organ in the old case by Weigle.
Photo: Ludwig Klein