Bremen, St. Ansgarii

1611-1612: New organ by Andreas de Mare (Rückpositif and middle-part of Hauptwerk are still De Mare's)

16..: Repairs by Johann Sieburg, Johannes Millensis, Caspar Valekamp.

1713: Schnitger adds Dulcian and Trichterregal to the Rückpositif.

1714-1718: Modifications by Arp Schnitger

1736-1737: Reinerus Caspary adds two Pedal-towers.

Specification according to Niedt-Mattheson:
Hauptwerk   Brustwerk   Rückpositif   Pedal  
Quintadena 16' Gedact 8' Principal 8' Principal 16'
Octava 8' Octava 4' Spitzflöte 8' Subbass 16'
Rohrflöte 8' Octava 2' Quintadena 8' Octava 8'
Flute douce 8' Sesquialtera II Octava 4' Octava 4'
Octava 4' Tertian II Rohr Flöte 4' Quinta 2 2/3'
Nazat 2 2/3' Scharff IV Octava 2' Rauschpfeiffe III
Rauschpfeife II Dulcian 8' Sifflet 1 1/3' Mixtura VI
Mixtura VI Schalmey 4' Sesquialtera II Posaune 16'
Cimbel III     Mixtura VI Trommet 8'
Trommet 16'     Dulcian 16' Trommet 4'
Trommet 8'     Trichterregal 8' Cornet 2'
Vox Humana 8'     Schalmey 8'     

1756: Repairs by H.W. Eckmann. Equal pitch.

Source: Picture form about 1839

1872-1874: New organ by Friedrich Schulze.

1894: New organ in the old case by Furtwängler & Hammer.



194.: Case of the organ taken somewhere else.

1944: Church and remainders of the organ destroyed by bombs.


1958: New organ in the old case by Alfred Führer.

Source: The old organ in the new erected church after the second Worldwar

Source: The new erected church after the second Worldwar