Bremen, St. Martini

1615-1619: New organ by Christian Bockelmann.

1628: Repairs by Johann Sieburg.

1638: Repairs by Caspar Valekamp.

1707-1709: Modification and enlargement by Arp Schnitger.

Specification of the organ after the modification by Schnitger:
Hauptwerk   Rückpositif   Pedal  
Perdun 16' Gedact 8' Principal 16'
Principal 8' Principal 4' Gedact 8'
Hollfloït 8' Octava 2' Octava 4'
Octava 4' Waldfloit 2' Mixtur VI
Nazat 2 2/3' Siefloit 1 1/3' Posaune 16'
Rauschpfeiffe II Sesquialtera II Trommete 8'
Mixtur VI Mixtur IV-VI Trommete 4'
Cimbel III Dulcian 8' Cornet 2'
Dulcian 16'        
Trommete 8'        

1718: Repairs by Schnitger.

Source: (ca. 1734)

1748: Repairs by Erasmus Bielfeldt.

1758: Repairs by Heinrich Wilhelm Eckmann.

1834: Repairs by Otto Biesterfeld.

1894: New organ in the old case by Furtwängler & Hammer.

1961-1962: New organ in the old case by Ahrend & Brunzema.


