Beverstedt, Bauerndom

Source: Picture of the old church

16..: New organ by an unknown organbuilder.

1709: Enlargement and changes by Schnitger, who added a Brustwerk and made new mixtures and reeds.

Specification after the adaptations of Schnitger:

Hauptwerk   Brustwerk  
Principal 8' Floït Dues 8'
Gedact 8' Blockfloït 4'
Octav 4' Octav 2'
Floïte 4' Waltfloït 2'
Nassat 2 2/3' Sieflit 1 1/3'
Supre Oktav 2' Sexquialt II
Floïte 2' Scharf III
Mixtur IV-VI Crumphorn 8'
Cimbel IIII    
Trommet 8'    

: Repairs by Dietrich Christoph Gloger.

1786: Repairs by Georg Wilhelm Wilhelmy.

1795: Repairs by Johann Wolfgang Witzmann.

1803 and 1821: Repairs by Johann Georg Wilhelmy.

1848: The church was replaced with a new church and Peter Tappe built a new organ in a new case. Many older ranks were re-used.


1857: Changes to the specification by Johann Hinrich Röver.

1966: Modification by Schmidt and new case, using older ranks. Hauptwerk: Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Oktave 4', Flöte 4'. Brustwerk: Flöte Dues 8', Blockflöte 4'
(the last two are Schnitger's).

Present specification (01):

Hauptwerk C-g''' Brustwerk C-g''' Pedalwerk C-f
*Prinzipal 8' **Holzgedackt 8' Subbass 16'
*Gedackt 8' **Blockflöte 4' Prinzipal 8'
*Oktave 4' Waldflöte 2' Cello 8'
Nasat 2 2/3' Sesquialtera 2fach Oktave 4'
Superoctave 2' Scharf 3fach Nachthorn 1'
*Flöte' Krummhorn 8' Mixtur 4fach
Mixtur 4-6fach   Posaune 16'
Zimbel 3fach   Trompete 8'
**Trompete 8'   Comett 2'
Manualcoupler, Pedalcouplers, Tremulant Brustwerk, Zimbelstern

* Ranks with some pipes from the late 16th century
** Ranks with pipes from Arp Schnitger.

Photo: Dr. Martin Krarup

  1. Photo and present specification: E-Mails by Dr. Martin  Karup in July 2007
