Berlin-Charlottenburg, Eosanderkapelle
Soure: (Hans Joachim Paape) Photo of the
reconstructed organ Click at the photo
to enlarge
More information in German I
More information in German II
MP3: Kapel Charlottenburg(D) 1938,
Fritz Heitmann (JS Bach, Duetto in F BWV 803) (01)
WWW: Johann Pachelbel, Präludium und
Fuge in d. Kurt Mild an der Arp-Schnitger-Orgel
der "Eosander-Kapelle" im Charlottenburger Schloss: (02)
1706: New organ by Arp Schnitger.
1868: Repairs by Karl August Buchholz of Berlin.
1888: Replacement of Hoboy 8' and Vox Humana by Gambe and Aeoline by Dinse of Berlin.
1931-1934: Restoration by Karl Kemper of Lübeck.
1939: Changes by Karl Schuke of Potsdam.
194x: Removal from the Eosanderkapelle
1944: Destroyed by a fire.
1970: Reconstruction of the instrument by Karl Schuke of Berlin after rebuilding the Eosanderkapelle.
Presentation of the reconstructed organ by Klaus Eichhorn:
I thank Rob Kruijt for providing the photo of this organ, taken before 1940. More photo's from an LP of Pape Verlag nr. FSM 63710POD. Organist is Rudolf Zartner
Original specification:
Hauptwerk |
Rückpositif |
Pedal |
Principal |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Subbass |
16' |
Floite Dues |
8' |
Gedact Lieblich |
8' |
Octav |
8' |
Gedackt |
8' |
Octav |
4' |
Octav |
4' |
Oktav |
4' |
Floite Dues |
4' |
Nachthorn |
2' |
Violdegamb |
4' |
Octav |
2' |
Mixtur |
VI |
Nassat |
2 2/3' |
Waltfloit |
2' |
Posaunen |
16' |
Super Octav |
2' |
Sesquialt |
II |
Trommet |
8' |
Mixtur |
IV |
Scharf |
Cornet |
2' |
Hoboy |
8' |
Vox Humana |
8' |
Photos of the situation before 1944:
Console of the organ before 1944
Tuning of the organ, before 1944. Left the Hauptwerk, and right the Rückpositif
Hauptwerk case, before 1944
Hauptwerk windchest, before 1944.
Rückpositif windchest, before 1944.
Eosander-Kapelle with the organ, before 1944
Eosander-Kapelle with the organ before 1944
Photos of the present situation from the book "Orgeln in Berlin" of Dr. Uwe Pape ISBN
E-Mail from Frits Kaan from 14-05-2009
with the cover of the recording and MP3's from the recording.
E-Mail from Rob Krijt d.d. 22.04.2020